Fauna Friendly Florist


Fauna Friendly Florist *


Fauna Friendly Florals


We love nature along with all of the magic + wonder it beholds.

Chances are that you have heard of the famous cosmic phrase : “Flora & Fauna”. This beautiful phrase encompasses the natural harmonious relationship between plants and animals — honestly pretty much all of the life on Earth. The irony is that within the many years of working within the event + wedding industry , we kept running into the same dilemma : the realization that there seems to be an obvious disconnect between floristry and animals. // Our floral mission is to mend this divide and restore the true natural connection between Flora & Fauna through our floral and design expertise. Alongside our love for Mother Earth , we also have a sincere admiration for Academia. By combining our ever growing floral knowdedge with out curious nature — we behold a constant craving to learn and grow. Over the years we have gained a gracious amount of insight as to which flowers , plants , herbs , etc… coexist with our animal friends.

Are you hosting a special event where animals and/or beloved Pets ( Furry Friends ) will be present ?!

Please consider us as your Fauna Friendly Floral Specialist. We’ll work alongside you in order to ensure that we design + orchestrate your overall aesthetic , color palette and floral designs by solely ( and strictly ) working only with florals + foliages which are safe and non-toxic for the animals which will be present at your event’s celebration. // Kindly note that this floral experience is applicable towards any and all of our floral packages currently offered by Fleur Alchemy. // Please just let us know in your Inquiry Form under the “DETAILS” section that there will be Fauna present at your event and we’ll handle the rest during our initial consultation meeting and final details meeting(s).

Let’s Chat!

Kitten Lady’s Wedding

In April 2023 , we had the pleasure of being a part of Hannah Shaw’s and Andrew Marttila’s wedding celebration — which just so happened to be at the Farm Animal Refuge in Campo , California. These two kind souls , professionally known as : Kitten Lady + The Cat Photographer — had one of the most unique , loving and memorable wedding celebrations ever. Surrounded by loved ones , pigs , goats , sheep and of course… a basket full of Calico Kittens.

Working closely alongside the owners of the Animal Refuge and their amazing wedding planner : Courtney Tibbets of After the Engagement — we ensured which florals , foliages , fruits and vegetables were animal safe to incorporate into the overall design. We even created edible centerpieces which were safe to feed the pigs at the conclusion of their celebration. In lou of a “bouquet toss” Hannah did a watermelon toss.

Read the Article + Feature From the New York Times :

New York Times : When The “Kitten Lady” Met The “Cat Photographer”

Photograph by : LEAF Wedding Photography